
The Grove 2.1

April 2024 – Back to the simulation! Ten years of tree research comes together in a surprisingly balanced simulation that grows more natural trees than ever. Featuring completely new theories for secondary growth and the demise of unsuccessful branches…

The Grove 2.0

Introducing The Grove 2.0 — a significant milestone in the software’s development. Trees now grow at lightning speed and — drum roll please — the same trees now also grow in Houdini!

The Grove release 11

Geometry nodes, attributes, and continued improvements to all existing tools create an even more refined experience.

The Grove release 10

Natural simulation is what sets The Grove apart – it’s built on numerous theories that all work together to make your trees spring to life. For this release, I finally managed to demystify three of the most elusive areas of tree physiology, making it possible to grow more diverse and extreme tree characters with thicker, natural trunks. This brings The Grove even closer to nature…

The Grove release 10a

Here’s a quick intermediate update just to keep you growing in the new Blender 3.0. There’s a welcome speed boost, and an introduction to the next generation of twigs…

The Grove release 9

Takes tree models to the next level. Better mesh quality with smoother transitions, better UV maps and a welcome speed boost. And the freedom of adding as many different twig models as you like. But let’s start with the bend tool…

The Grove release 8

Trees have had over 200 million years to evolve into all the beautiful shapes and characters we see around us today. Dinosaurs have come and gone, continents were torn apart, and through it all, trees stood tall. We now know more about trees than we ever did, but there are still many mysteries left to unravel…

The Grove release 7

Take all existing features – wrap them up in an all-new implementation – and open up a world of possibilities! Get instant feedback from a flexible new interface that amplifies the fun of growing. Go back to you tree at any time – prune, rebuild, keep growing or even add wind animation whenever you want. Added improvements to wind, branching and vertex colors make this a release to be reckoned with.

The Grove release 6

A streamlined workflow, greatly improved conifers and lingering dead branches. It allows you to unleash your twigs with the automated twig picker, and to quickly match any preset to any twig size.

The Grove release 5

The storm has landed! Bring your trees to life with mesmerizing wind animation and rich data layers – enhance your trees in exciting new ways and have even more fun growing…

The Grove release 4a

This update builds upon the big release 4, makes it rock solid and wicked fast! Less time to grow, more time to experiment…

The Grove release 4

Grow conifers and breakthrough broadleaf trees – cast real shade, bend physically and prune interactively…

The Grove release 3

Release 3 gets back to the core. Adding new natural effects for greatly improved tree characters, and totally new ones!

The Grove release 2

This fall brings exciting new features making The Grove even easier and more fun to work with. The Grove now builds branches in a more powerful way. Stepping away from Blender’s curves gives much more control and paved the way for some exciting new possibilities.